Castable Resins

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EnvisionTEC | RC Series

The EnvisionTEC RC Series is a series of highly reliable materials with individual formulas, designed for the users particular needs. The material is tough and offers high resolution printing.

Detax Freeprint Ortho


Detax Freeprint® Ortho is a class IIa medical resin for the fabrication of base parts for orthodontic apparatuses, drilling and X-ray templates, and occlusal and fixation splints.

EnvisionTEC | Q-View

The EnvisionTEC Q-View resin is mainly used for jewellery and consumer goods. The material can be printed in great detail, which is why it is highly effective in the printing of custom design pieces.

BlueCast X-Vest


BlueCast X-Vest is the ideal choice for jewellery smiths looking to create intricate, high resolution casts. Available in 5KG, 10KG and 20KG to suit your casting needs.