Known formerly as EnvisionTEC, renowned 3D printer and resin manufacturer ETEC, offers premium resins which are ideal for end-use part production and prototyping and are perfect for printing strong, precise and detailed models. These are quality materials that offer dimensional stability and a quality surface finish.
Industries: Aerospace, Automotive, Consumer goods, Education, Jewelry, Entertainment, Industrial production, Architecture & Art, Electronics.
The ETEC range for the Dental and Medical Devices sector are materials approved by the FDA and CE (Medical Products Act). These high resolution resins are durable, resilient and adaptable to the needs of patients.
Applications: crowns, bridges, hearing aids, mouth guards etc.
EnvisionTEC | E-Model
EnvisionTEC R5
EnvisionTEC has developed a wide range of materials with specific formulations for DLP technology, ensuring you high quality results.
The material R5 is a liquid pohotopolymer resin for rigid and functional prints. R5 is the ideal solution for industries as Entertainment or Consumer Goods requiring humidity and temperature resistant parts.
EnvisionTEC | ABS Tough
The ABS Tough Resin is a tough ABS-like 3D printing material.
EnvisionTEC | E-Glass 2.0
EnvisionTEC E-Glass 2.0 is a clear material with excellent surface quality.
EnvisionTEC | E-Guide
The EnvisionTEC E-Guide Resin is a biocompatible Class I material. It was developed for the production of high precision surgical drill guides that are used for implant surgery.
EnvisionTEC | E-Orthoshape
The EnvisionTEC E-Orthoshape is an ABS-like resin used for the production of orthodontic models.
EnvisionTEC | E-Model
The EnvisionTEC E-Model resin is used for the precise production of dental and orthodontic models.
EnvisionTEC | E-Rigid PU
The EnvisionTEC E-Rigid PU Resin is polyurethane-like and is great for printing for end-use and prototype parts.
EnvisionTEC | E-RigidForm
The EnvisionTEC E-RigidForm produces hard, stiff parts, so it is mostly used to print for prototypes and end use.
EnvisionTEC | ABS Flex
The EnvisionTEC Resin ABS Flex is an extremely flexible material and can be used for an array of manufacturing processes, including snap-fit items and more.