Siden 2012 har taiwanske MiiCraft fremstillet 3D DLP printere (resin) til professionel brug.
MiiCrafts printere er præcise og driftssikre, og systemerne er åbne og fleksible, hvilket giver rige muligheder for at drage nytte af de mange forskellige typer resin, der er på markedet og som kommer til fremover.
Miicraft Profession Series
Miicraft’s professional series offers a high resolution LED light engine with a Digi-optical technology which allows the user to print its products or components at a faster rate with highly accurate details. This machine is especially used for individualized mass production and professional applications.
Miicraft Prime Series
The Miicraft Prime series for 3D printing creates highly detailed and flawless products due to its innovative features such as its high resolution performance. This high performance is possible due to its 4M pixels UV light engine, its dedicated image optimization technology and it low force peeling mechanism.