The Builder Extreme 1500 Pro has the largest footprint of the Extreme Pro range, allowing large and wide objects to be printed with the reliability of an industrial machine and usability of a desk-top machine.
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Extreme build size, with Pro reliability :
The Builder Extreme 1500 Pro is specifically designed for industrial model-making and prototyping. The ease of use, combined with its size, make it a stand-out choice for anyone wanting to 3D print full-size props, molds or tooling.
Key Features:
In addition to the huge build capacity, all of the Builder Extreme Pro printers have some excellent features for improving user experience and print reliability.
The unique dual-feed extruder adds versatility by offering several printing options:
You can print with PLA, PET, PVA support material, flexible filament and special filaments such as woodFill and bronzeFill.
A built-in uninterruptible power supply that saves the print job position so that the print can be resumed in case of power loss. Also included is a filament run-out detection system which automatically pauses the print job if the Builder has run out of filament.
Three nozzle sizes are included (0.4mm, 0.8mm and 1.2mm), allowing a choice of high detail or greater speed for larger objects.
Integrated WiFi allows remote connection and transfer of print files. The built-in camera enables remote monitoring of the progress of a print job.
Learn more about the Builder Extreme Pro range of printers by calling the telephone number at the top of the page, or request a call back from one of our advisors via the button below: